Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Roger Goodells Newest Smoke Screen

Ray Rice (Domestic Abuse)
Johnny Manziel (Domestic Abuse allegation)
Greg Hardy (Domestic Abuse allegation, Gun charges. Both mysteriously disappeared)
Bruce Miller (Domestic Abuse that somehow became misdemeanor vandalism)
Rodney Austin (Domestic Abuse)
Ray McDonald (Domestic Abuse, child endangerment)

The sport of football is a high testosterone fueled, violent sport. The problem is players aren't leaving the violence on the field. The above list is just a very small sample of the players that just since the 2015 Superbowl, have been accused and or arrested and charged with Domestic battery of some sort. This doesn't include at all the multitude of arrests for drugs, alcohol, gun violations, animal abuse etc. These are just a couple of the guys who, for one reason or another decided to physically put their hands on a female.

I take personal issue with "men" like this. I watched for years as my mother was a victim of abuse. There is nothing that brings a fire out in me quicker (besides someone messing with my kids), than to hear, see or read about a woman being abused by someone that she should feel safe around. I do everything in my power to make sure my boys are being raised to respect and love women. And to know when they are angry to walk away from the situation. However like most boys, mine LOVE sports. And they look up to these players. So then of course I get to answer the questions about why aren't they playing, why did they get arrested? I'm not saying these players should be held at a higher standard than any other man out there. However I believe they do need to be taken out of the limelight and punished beyond just a few games suspension.

So what is the NFL's "answer" to the problem? As of today February 9th, 2016. The NFL has decided that should a NFL prospect have a conviction for Domestic Abuse or Gun Charges, they will not be allowed to attend the NFL combine or the NFL draft. No offense Goodell, but nice smoke screen! These players will still have their pro days, they will still have the media talking about them (in the football sense, not the criminal one). So what have your really accomplished Goodell? OH WAIT! I know what this is. If they aren't at the combine or the NFL draft then YOU don't have to talk about them on YOUR t.v. programs. Like I said, nice smokescreen. Why not take the responsible step Roger? Plain and simple, if you are convicted of a violent offense, domestic abuse, gun charge or a felony drug charge then you simply can't be drafted. How do you think this slap on the wrist is really hurting these guys, they will still get drafted in the high rounds if they are talented and still make millions. You really want to prove a point? No draft eligibility, plain and simple. Walk on, league minimum salary for the first 2 years. Stay out of trouble, then your eligible for the bigger money.

As far as the guys already in the league? Make it a no grey area. If your convicted of a violent offense or felony, your out. No questions asked. Contract Void. Adios. Goodbye. These players, college and pro have got to start being held accountable for all their actions. On and off the field. If they aren't, nothing will ever change. And the violence will continue. More videos of a full grown man clocking their wife will make it to the press. And god forbid, an obituary. We fans spend millions a year in merchandise, tickets, pay to watch etc. And we should have every right to hold these men to the same standards that we are held to.

Once again this is my opinion, any questions, comments, thoughts or opinions of your own are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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